Brilliance of a Russian journalist: the true of the false trouble

Two distinct stories should be taken into consideration in the story of the Russian journalist who interrupted a live television broadcast to convey a message on the conflict in Ukraine, according to Yann Breault, lecturer in the political science department of the UQAM and co-director of the Eurasia Observatory.

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The journalist had been arrested after her outburst and had been questioned for 14 hours. She was later released and fined 30,000 rubles (nearly $340), raising several questions about the veracity of this story and its possible staging.

“The story is funny relayed. There are two things here that must be distinguished: there is her theatrical appearance during the program of the first Russian channel where she comes out with her placard “Do not believe in propaganda, we are lying to you, no to war” and she broadcast a video at the same time where she explains why she is indignant at this war, where she calls on the Russians to demonstrate, ”explained Mr. Breault in an interview Wednesday with QUB radio.

The fine in question is thus linked to the video broadcast through a non-governmental organization, and not his stunt on television.

“She has not yet been judged for her decision to make this stunt there in the media. And for this stunt there, she is liable, according to the new law, to 15 years in prison, ”he said.

“What the government did was to say we release her quickly, we sentence her to a few hundred dollars, but it’s as if we understood that it was for her gesture on television,” added the expert.

This intervention live on Russian television was relayed in several major Russian newspapers, which supports the fact that this story is plausible.

“The Russians are divided, are divided. It’s hard to believe in a narrative that is not the one that is carried by the state, “said Mr. Breault. “The educated class, which still has access to information that comes from outside […]they are outraged by this war for the majority.”

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