“Brigitte, show us your ass”: Brigitte Bardot lives a real hell at the Madrague

In 1962, Brigitte Bardot liked to sing Trap, the name of the house she inherited on the outskirts of Saint-Tropez. A haven of peace locatedon the deserted beach” which is no longer as much as before, if not at all. If several decades ago, BB could fully enjoy its tranquility, this is no longer the case. The old icon is almost become a fairground beast that tourists absolutely want to see when they pass near Canebiers Bay. turned into hell : “BB has become accustomed to leaving La Madrague at the time of the first rotations of La Pouncho, the boat which offers summer visitors a guided tour of the bay”. reports The Sunday newspaper in its October 29, 2022 issue. If only there was just this one.

No need to pay a tourist company to get as close as possible to Brigitte Bardot’s lair. Being equipped with a boat license is enough to observe the place of life of the ex-actress in the least discreet way. Curiosity took precedence over respect. Despite the security system put in place by the town hall (two concrete posts have prevented boats from approaching since this year and a fine of 3750 euros is provided for in the event of crossing more than six months in prison), onlookers don’t care: “The boaters dived and moved the concrete pads securing the beacons underwater.” An incessant and indecent ballet: “In July, the mayor, Sylvie Siri, who dined next to La Madrague, appreciated live the behavior of some: until the night, loud music on the boats… One evening, a guy yelled: ‘Brigitte, show us your ass!‘”

When the fans do not pass by the way of the seas, of which they do not hesitate to use the binoculars so as not to miss anything of the spectacle, it is on dry land that they try to discover the lands of Brigitte Bardot. Some go so far as to engrave declarations of love on the eucalyptus trunks in front of which the 88-year-old star passes every day with her husband Bernard d’Ormale. These strangers are not the only ones to make Brigitte Bardot’s daily life unbearable at La Madrague.

The very wealthy neighbors established in the Parcs de Saint-Tropez are also spoilsports. A huge marriage, that of Elon Musk’s brother, would have ruined the access to La Madrague that they share: “Noria of trucks, delivery of structures for a canopy to house the wedding dinner, five kiosks, furniture, flowers imported from Belgium: the unfortunate Chemin de l’Estagnet suffered“, always according to the JDD. So it is in her other home, not far from La Madrague, that Brigitte Bardot finds refuge: “She lives with her animals. La Madrague has belonged to his foundation for a long time. And if she chose Le Capon, it’s because this wild maquis was not well off. In the middle of cork oaks, mastic trees and arbutus trees, La Garrigue is home to an unpretentious little house offering the calm that it does not find in Les Canoubiers.“Whatever the place, it is with her animals that Brigitte Bardot will always feel at home.

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