Brigitte Macron radiant in a long black coat alongside Didier Deschamps for the launch of Operation Yellow Pieces

On Wednesday January 12, 2022, Brigitte Macron launched a new Yellow Pieces operation. Made famous by Bernadette Chirac, this project aims to improve the conditions of hospitalization of children and adolescents. This is the third fundraiser by the wife of the Head of State, since she succeeded the widow of Jacques Chirac as president of the Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris Hôpitaux de France, in 2019. To start this very symbolic day, the First Lady went to 13 hours of TF1 presented by Jacques Legros. The First Lady took advantage of this mid-day television show to meet the expectations of the nursing staff: “It is very expensive to live in a big city. Not only do they have a very tiring job, for which they (and they) give themselves completely, but in addition, there are two to three hours of commuting per day that must be added to all that. So there’s a mental load that’s way too heavy”, Expressed Brigitte Macron.

Brigitte Macron mobilizes alongside Didier Deschamps

After this recorded interview, the First Lady went to the Post Office located near the Louvre in Paris to officially launch this new campaign. The sixty-year-old was present with the coach of the Blues Didier Deschamps. “I am always amazed and admiring “, he tells our colleagues at Le Figaro before adding: “They never complain when they could, given their situation and illness. They give you a hell of a game. When I see them, I’m not going to say it’s violent, it doesn’t put my feet back on the ground because I make sure to keep them, but it’s a great example of life, of being positive. It is a pleasure to be at their side (he is moved). I am a father too. When I see the parents with their child affected by a serious pathology, I cannot remain insensitive. Yes, it touches me.“The First Lady appeared all smiles in a long black coat draped over the top by a yellow scarf, a nod to the operation of which she is the godmother.

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