Brigitte Macron in a golden jacket, she finds Jamel Debbouze for the Improv Trophy of the Culture & Diversity Foundation

Great moment of laughter and emotion, at the Comédie-Française, on Friday June 24. The Culture & Diversity Foundation organized, in these historic places, the final of the 2022 edition of its Improv Trophy. This year, the event covers the exceptional bibliography of the playwright Molière, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his birth. Godfather of the event, Jamel Debbouze was obviously present on stage with all these seeds of talent, he who has just celebrated 10 years of Marrakech du rire in Morocco.

This is the first time that a theatrical improvisation match has been organized at the Comédie-Française, located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. Jamel Debbouze found, on stage, coaches and young school improvisers who had practiced improvisation all year round. A beautiful moment of sharing and learning applauded, on the public side, by our first lady, wife of our President of the Republic, Brigitte Macron in a golden jacket, as well as by Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière. And for good reason: the business leader created the Improv Culture & Diversity Trophy, with the great complicity of Jamel Debbouze, during the year 2010.

The Improv Culture & Diversity Trophy is a national artistic practice program around the theatrical improvisation match intended for students enrolled in priority education colleges and rural areas. It is Alain Degois, known as Grandpa, who is in charge of the artistic direction of the event. The Trophy takes place in five stages: 30 hours of workshops around the improv match, led by actors and professional directors throughout the year. Then the students then participate in theatrical improvisation matches in their college, in their city, then in the Regional Finals. Finally, a team from each region comes to Paris to represent its territory during the National Trophy Final, in a major Parisian theatre. The Impro Trophy is developed with the support of the ID Logistics and Casino groups.

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