Brigitte Macron grandmother: what she refuses to sacrifice for her 7 grandchildren

In October 2021, journalists Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme, authors of Traitor and the Voidrevealed that if Emmanuel Macron had a “mad desire to perform“, his wife Brigitte “longed for a simpler life” and was moderately fond of the idea of ​​a second term. Six months later, the outgoing president was re-elected and his wife, his strong ally, accompanied him to this victory. Certainly, she was not against the “idea of ​​resting and enjoying her family, but priority to France and her husband’s ambitions. However, if she is immersed in a mandate for which her agenda will be very busy, the first lady gives herself time with her family.

Indeed, mother of three children she had with her first husband André-Louis Auzière (Sébastien, Laurence and Tiphaine), Brigitte Macron seven grandchildren – Camille, Paul, Élise, Aurélie, Emma, ​​Thomas and Alice – with whom she wants to spend as much time as possible. We remember, for example, the warm Christmas of the Elysée in 2017 which his family had attended and in particular Alice, aged 4 at the time, the youngest. Like her cousins, she calls the President of the Republic “Daddy”. A few months ago, it was the little girl Elise who was photographed during the big meeting of the Head of State with a sign of encouragement for her “daddy”.

This is how Brigitte Macron organizes her agenda for her grandchildren. “She wants to maintain a balance in her life, moments of intimacy with her family.“, writes Bertrand Meyer-Stabley in his book The Ladies of the Elysée Quoted by point of viewstating that every Wednesday and Friday afternoon is dedicated to them. Very close to her family, which was reunited with that of her husband to celebrate the second presidential victory on April 24, the first lady preserves the family cocoon.

Sometimes the presidential agenda takes over, like this ski vacation with her little darlings that she had to cancel because of Russia’s declaration of war against Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The ex-professor of letters had confided on RTL to also refrain from picking them up after school, to preserve them: “It is something extremely difficult. That, I understood. I would never go out of school to pick up my grandchildren. ” Being present for his family while protecting them, a game of balance which Brigitte Macron is finally broken, after five years of experience.

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