Brigitte Macron, glasses on her nose: chic and relaxed for her return to college

It is one of Brigitte Macron’s hobbyhorses, as first lady, former teacher but also grandmother of seven grandchildren: the fight against school bullying. The wife of the President of the Republic, who returned from Italy where she accompanied Emmanuel Macron to the Vatican, was therefore present alongside the Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye and the Secretary of State for Children Charlotte Caubel for launch the “No to harassment at school” campaign at Louis Braille college in Esbly in Seine-et-Marne on November 7, 2022. Wearing her glasses, a gray jacket, an immaculate white blouse and black pants associated with elegant black heels, she was both chic and comfortable for her mission.

Since 2015, each year, the national day for the fight against school bullying takes place on the first Thursday following the All Saints holidays, therefore on November 10 this year. The two ministers and Brigitte Macron watched an awareness clip, which will be broadcast on the occasion of the national day, in the presence of college students, as well as actors and the director. An exchange took place with the staff of the establishment in charge of the fight against school bullying.

The government’s anti-harassment program pHARe”is generalized from this start of the 2022 school year. It existed in an experimental form before. It has given excellent results in the academies where it has been implemented, with awareness, with better support, better detection of cases of harassment, and an improvement in the school climate.“, underlined Pap Ndiaye in front of the AFP.

The means are there“to carry out this fight, affirmed the minister. “For 2023, we have also planned increased budgetary resources to support the generalization of the pHARe program“, he continued, without elaborating. “For the government, this is a priority. We are mobilized“, he assured. “I note that now, there are a lot of people who are aware since the installation of this program pHARe“, added Brigitte Macron. “Et so this program is very important, it is an awareness“, did she say. “We will continue.”

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