Brigitte Macron gets involved!

“It is an absolutely intolerable and abominable dramadenounces Brigitte Macron at the microphone of BFM-TV this October 17. We are alongside the students, alongside the teachers, and of course families and everyone else since it should never be again. It’s appalling what happened.” On October 14, Lola, a 12-year-old girl, was found in a trunk at the foot of her building located in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Not seeing the schoolgirl come home from school, her parents had reported her missing earlier in the day. According to the latest information from the investigation, it was on her way home from school that she met her torturer, a certain Dahbia, a 24-year-old Algerian homeless person.

A judicial inquiry has indeed been opened for “counts of murder of a minor under the age of 15 in connection with a rape committed with acts of torture and barbarism, rape of a minor aged 15 with acts of torture and barbarism, and concealment of a corpse“, reports the Parisian according to information from the Paris prosecutor’s office, while Lola’s best friend broke the silence after the discovery of the body through a heartbreaking testimony. “We only have duties, so the first duty is to protect children from all dangers and God knows they are multiple. So at this time, we all need to be particularly vigilant about the most young people because they are extremely vulnerable. The drama that has just happened must remind us of this. I mean all my solidarity, in such complicated times, and that is why the Minister of Education is not here today”continued the First Lady, very moved, at the microphone of BFM-TV.

Laura Bertrand

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