Brigitte Macron: Family vacations, intimate dinner with Carla and Nicolas and now back to school!

Like everyone else, Brigitte Macron has made her comeback after a busy vacation. The Parisian looked back on the busy month of August for the first lady of France as well as the commitments that await her. This is how the wife of the re-elected president was able to recharge her batteries with her family at Fort de Brégançon, see in complete privacy with her great friend Carla Bruni-Sarkozy and her husband and prepare for a month of September which does not lack challenges on the subjects that are so dear to her heart: those that concern children.

While Emmanuel Macron did his best to ensure his presidential missions and to be able to spend some time with his wife, Brigitte Macron spent her summer in Brégançon, composing with the photographers. “The paparazzi, it’s complicated, she doesn’t like it at all, but she has integrated the constraint. What she wants above all is to protect her grandchildren“, indicates a member of his entourage on a daily basis. It must be said that each shot makes noise, like a rare outing in a swimsuit on an immortalized boat or a jet ski ride by her husband. Difficult for the couple to go unnoticed.

Attention difficult to manage which she was surely able to discuss with another highly publicized political couple: Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni. The lovers stayed at Cap Nègre as usual and the parents of little Giulia dined with the current French leader and the First Lady. A meeting revealed by The Parisian which underlines how much the two presidents and their wives know and appreciate each other.

On the back-to-school bridge

From now on, Brigitte Macron is back at the Elysée, in her personal office. If she did not react to the insistent allusions to her role in the return to the government of Marlène Schiappa, whose closeness she never hid, she prefers to dwell on urgent issues: the resumption of her courses at the Institut of vocations for employment (Live) that it gives in Clichy-sous-Bois, Valence and Roubaix for school dropouts and the Foundation of French hospitals, with the inauguration of new rest areas for caregivers in hospitals and nursing homes.

In addition, she is continuing her work to facilitate the reception of Ukrainian refugee children in France, in particular with the assistance of the person who succeeded Jean-Michel Blanquer, Pap Ndiaye. Finally, Brigitte Macron has an appointment in Marseille in a few days with the Secretary of State for Children Charlotte Caubel to inaugurate a pediatric reception unit for abused children. Finally, she will accompany her husband to New York for the UN General Assembly, in order to discuss in a school for young girls in Harlem on school bullying, a fight which is close to her heart.

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