Brigitte Macron: Classroom, students, dictation … The first lady becomes a shock teacher again

Once in the classroom, Brigitte Macron once again became the shock teacher she was (she taught French and theater at the Providence high school in Amiens in particular.) Glasses on her nose, the first lady read with much attention the text of Mohamed Mbougar Sarr (Prix Goncourt 2021) baptized The star that was not sleepy. “If it’s going too fast, you stare at me” she launched to the 5th graders, with all the delicacy that characterizes her. While dictating the words, Brigitte Macron moved between the tables, having a look full of attention for each of the students present at her side. No bad mark for the children but a nice highlighting of the association.

I am with those who are vulnerable, especially the youngest. We don’t always hear their voices. […] There is a terrible lack of money for oncological treatments, for palliative care, for painkillers for childrensaid Brigitte Macron, concerned. I’m going to use a horrible word: maybe it’s not “profitable” enough, but we really have to go into another logic. The economy really has its limits. It is not on these subjects that it is necessary to make some. Treatment is absolutely necessary.” A poignant speech which, we hope, should move the lines.

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