Brigitte Macron accused of being a man, Emmanuel Macron’s wife FINALLY comes out of the silence and delivers her truth!

This Wednesday, January 12, 2022, Brigitte Macron has certainly won over viewers of the 1 p.m. JT TF1. Facing the camera, the wife of the President of the Republic launched the new edition of the Yellow Pieces. As a reminder, this operation aims to improve the daily life of young patients. The opportunity for the ex-wife of André-Louis Auzière to explain her role as president of the Fondation Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France.

In the process, the happy mother of three also answered a question focused on cyberbullying. Last year, Brigitte Macron was the victim of countless rumors. One of them claimed that the former teacher was a transgender woman. And that his first name at birth was actually Jean-Michel. The information was relayed en masse on the Internet. The situation quickly escalated … “Obviously, that’s a lie”, said Brigitte Macron against Jacques Legros. In the turmoil, the main interested party also confirmed that she had filed a complaint on this subject. Unfortunately in the context of attacks on social networks, the approach is a “Little bit long”.

“You need the screenshots, all of the comments are a bit long. There are those who broadcast, those who relay, those who host, we must cast a wide net. It took me five and a half days with experienced lawyers. Can you imagine if this happens to people, how do they do it? ”, asked Brigitte Macron. In 2017 before being elected president, Emmanuel Macron was also the target of gossip focused on his sexual orientation. Determined to make things happen, his wife wants above all to protect the youngest from cyber-harassment. She hopes that action will be taken in the future. But it is not that simple. “I find that we are much too slow to react to this”, regretted Brigitte Macron. The message has passed …


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