Brigitte Bardot cut off from all contact with her ex, Jean-Louis Trintignant and Sami Frey: she explains

Naturally, it is accompanied by one of her seventeen dogs that Brigitte Bardot poses on the cover of the new magazine Gala, for its edition of January 6, 2022. True to herself, the 87-year-old ex-actress gave an interview without a filter from her house in La Madrague: her state of health and her refusal to be vaccinated against Covid -19, her granddaughters whom she never sees, her fight in favor of the animal cause …

BB was also questioned about two of her famous ex-companions: Jean-Louis Trintignant (91 years old) and Sami Frey (84 years old). When asked whether she still has news from them, she answers bluntly: “Nothing. Neither one nor the other. But I cannot be friends with the men I have loved so much. Jean Louis and Sami were, I believe, the greatest loves of my life, the most important, the deepest, the most irreplaceable, then confides Brigitte Bardot. Maintaining friendship after having known passion, it would be a handout that would not suit me. I am too whole. So I’d rather have nothing at all. “

Before these two great loves, the sentimental life of Brigitte Bardot had started in 1952, when she married the director Roger Vadim. She was only 18 at the time and was just waiting for one thing: “Get the hell out of his parents’ place“, she recalls, 70 years later.”This marriage, for me, was freedom. “While she was a newlywed, the actress met Jean-Louis Trintignant in 1956, on the set of the film And God created the woman. A second marriage followed with Jacques Charrier, the father of his only son Nicolas (between 1959 and 1963) and an extra-marital romance with Sami Frey, then a third marriage with the wealthy businessman Gunter Sachs (between 1966 and 1969).

Since 1992, she has been married to the industrialist Bernard d’Ormale, known in particular for having been the political adviser to Jean-Marie Le Pen. They live together in Saint-Tropez, somewhat reclusive, but surrounded by about fifty animals. “I am unable to live alone, explains Brigitte Bardot. It’s paradoxical in relation to my need for freedom, but that’s how it is. “

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