Brigitte Bardot “arrogant and insolent”: she explains her volcanic character

Incendiary in the cinema, Brigitte Bardot has often been accused of having a fiery temper. Known for her unfiltered replies, her very direct outspokenness and her positions, both social and political, the actress wanted to justify this sometimes controversial attitude in the columns of the magazine. Gala. In a file devoted to celebrity and its instructions, the icon of the seventh art looks back on his double career, on the big screen then a little more in the shadows, to the protection of animal rights… and explains that she has always worn a mask in public to protect herself.

The cinema made me cry a lot

Critics and audiences adore him, at Vadim, Godard or Clouzot. But Brigitte Bardon suffered a lot from such exposure. “I had two livesnotes the companion of Bernard d’Ormale. That of the cinema that I would never have imagined so incredible, magnificent, stunning. And who took me on magnificent adventures, made me meet fabulous people, transformed me into an icon… But also deprived me of all freedom. Made me cry a lot. Too often dragged me into abysses of despair from which I miraculously emerged. It’s on hardships that we build success… if we don’t die from it! But this celebrity also allowed me to embark on my second life.”

I hide it all under an arrogance

Animal protection has, in fact, quickly become his iron of war. If the cause is close to her heart since 1962, when she fought for the painless slaughter gun in slaughterhouses, she has also often been criticized. “I started all over againshe recalls. I had to learn everything, undergo everything, give everything to create my Foundation. I was ridiculed, I was accused of doing this for my publicity. Again, I cried a lot, a lot of despair. I am anxious, shy, worried by nature, but I hide all that under an arrogance and an insolence that make me strong. It is courage that dominates my character, I don’t give up!

Find the interview of Brigitte Bardot in the magazine Gala, n°1500 of March 10, 2022.

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