Brigitte Bardot, 30 years of marriage with Bernard: “After a while, we are not fed up!”

This year, Brigitte Bardot will celebrate her 30 years of marriage with Bernard d’Ormale. A married life that she mentioned in the pages of the new magazine Gala from January 6, 2022. While striking the pose surrounded by her many animals, BB confided in their life in La Madrague, far from prying eyes. True to herself, it is with a certain outspokenness, not devoid of humor, that she lets see her daily life under the Saint-Tropez sun.

When asked whether she celebrated the transition to the New Year with champagne, Brigitte Bardot replied that she “does not drink any more“. With humor, she adds:”It’s a bit like guys, after a while, we are not fed up!“However, she shares her life with the industrialist and political adviser Bernard d’Ormale (81 years old), since their meeting in 1992, during a dinner organized in Saint-Tropez …”This is precisely why I am telling you this … But I like that he’s there anyway“, she nuances all the same.

By her own admission, the 87-year-old ex-actress is “unable to live alone“.”It’s paradoxical in relation to my need for freedom, but that’s how it is. I need a presence, to hear a sound of footsteps other than mine, a voice that is not mine, she explains. My animals rely on me, but me, when I have the blues – and this happens often – who could I rely on if I was alone? Here, I made myself a little paradise that makes me feel good. “

A little paradise that, on the other hand, she cannot share with her grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. His only son Nicolas (61 years old), born from his marriage to Jacques Charrier (between 1959 and 1963), indeed lives in Norway with his two daughters, Thea and Anna (35 and 30 years old), and their children. . “It’s already difficult to transmit when we see each other regularly and speak the same language, so there …

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