Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron: This big tension for the couple revealed!

Fusional and essential ally of the President of the Republic, Brigitte Macron accepted with honors the choice of her husband Emmanuel Macron to represent himself for a second five-year term, drawing a positive balance sheet from his experience while admitting the difficult points. She therefore accompanied him to the end, until this new victory of April 24, 2022, shaking his hand tightly on the Champ-de-Mars in front of the supporters and their families, united as ever. But before entering this historic evening, there were tensions. The magazine Gala returned to Sunday’s election day.

After the in-between-round debate, “the advisers of the President and his wife already showed a certain confidence“, noted Gala. Faced with Marine Le Pen, far-right leader and leader of the National Rally, he won. Certainly, the exercise was less missed for the politician than in 2017, but the knowledge of her files of the President of the Republic was obvious. However, for the presidential couple, it was definitely not the time to brag.

Indeed, the head of state and his first lady experienced an afternoon of great stress from the vote in the first round of the elections, as the review recounts: “They did not forget however the cold sweat of April 10. Brigitte Macron first and foremost. Her cell phone had vibrated continuously the afternoon of this first round, after the micro stroll she had offered herself on the beach at Le Touquet with her husband before heading off to Paris. The ominous birds of all stripes predicted Mélenchon in the second round with Marine Le Pen in the lead. The presidential duo had finally taken refuge on the floor of the Elysée, in the private apartments, far from this anguished fury.“Finally, the ballot boxes have spoken: 28.5% for the leader of La République en Marche, 23.6% for that of the National Rally and 20.3% for La France insoumise.

It is in times like this that the strength of their relationship allows them to move forward. Together, they faced a first campaign in 2017, the yellow vests crisis, the Covid-19 or the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Asked by TF1 when the victory was announced at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, the first lady Frenchman said:I find it hard to quantify, it’s a huge honor. (…) We said thank you because we are always there for each other.

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