Brigitte and Emmanuel Macron more united than ever: the amazing gift they received at the town hall of Le Touquet

On April 10, 2022, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron went to vote for the first round of the presidential election in Le Touquet. The president-candidate from Amiens waited until noon to go to the polls in the Pas-de-Calais region.

After a walkabout where he was able to shake hands with many onlookers, the candidate of the movement The Republic on the Move met the mayor of Le Touquet, Daniel Fasquelle, who gave him a rugby ball. The couple then went to the voting booths of the hall of the four seasons to take the various ballots. Emmanuel Macron deposited his ballot in the ballot box at 12:40 p.m. sharp according to RTL. The verdict of this first round is expected at 8 p.m. this Sunday evening, with the first estimates from polling institutes.

Region of heart for Emmanuel Macron, the candidate had also chosen Le Touquet to marry Brigitte Trogneux on October 20, 2007. He has also resided in this resort of Pas-de-Calais since before settling in Paris and then ‘Élysée during his election on May 14, 2017.

Unlike the first round of the 2017 presidential elections where she wore a jacket and a gray sweater, Brigitte Macron chose this time to wear an outfit in beige tones. Casual, the first lady wore raw jeans associated with patent blue pumps as well as a white shirt and a beige woolen coat. True to form, Emmanuel Macron wore a navy blue two-piece suit with patent loafers and a long coat.

On April 10, 2022, nearly 48.7 million voters will have until 7 p.m. (8 p.m. in major cities) to vote in the more than 70,000 polling stations that have opened their doors across mainland France. . At noon, the turnout was 25.48%, down three points from 2017. The 12 candidates have already presented themselves at the polls and it was Emmanuel Macron who closed the march.

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