Brian Robinson hit by bullets after attempted robbery goes wrong

Violence against top athletes has been commonplace in recent times and there are countless assaults or burglaries against them. Yesterday, FC Barcelona star Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was the victim of a burglary and physical violence at his home by four armed men who fled. In France, this kind of crime also happens and footballers from Paris Saint-Germain like those from Olympique de Marseille are prime targets. Unfortunately, the phenomenon also exists on the other side of the Atlantic and we could still see it a few days ago.

Player for the Washington Commanders team, the young Brian Robinson was close to death last Sunday around 6 p.m. while he was in the American capital. The 23-year-old sportsman was the target of several shots while he was in his car, as reported by the American media. According to their information, it would be a attempted car theft gone horribly wrong and the player was hit at least twice in the lower body. Fortunately for him, his injuries were not fatal and he was taken to hospital where he gave reassuring news.

The operation went well! Thank you for all your prayers!

On his Instagram account, Brian Robinson published a story yesterday afternoon from his hospital room and everything seems to be going well since his terrible attack. “The operation went well! Thank you for all your prayers! God is great!”he exclaims (the photo can be found in the slideshow). For their part, the police were able to find a firearm not far from the crime scene and two potential suspects have already been identified. His coach, Ron Rivera, went to his bedside and he was able to give news of his player after his visit. “He is in good spirits and wanted me to thank everyone for their kind words, prayers and support. He wants his teammates to know he appreciates them all for reaching out, he loves them all and will soon be back to doing what he does best”he said.

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