Brian Paré, accused of starting forest fires, could tell right from wrong

Brian Paré, the man accused of lighting forest fires in Chibougamau and Chapais during the summer, was able to distinguish right from wrong, according to a psychiatric report filed in court.

The last time the 37-year-old defendant appeared before a judge, his lawyer requested that he undergo a psychiatric evaluation.

According to Me Jean Girard, Brian Paré seemed disconnected from reality. His Facebook page gave many clues, he said: he talks about the “new world order of 2030”, and has posted messages online that could suggest that he adheres to conspiracy theories, including some according to which climate change do not exist and forest fires are started by the government.

On Tuesday, the lawyer had in hand the psychiatric report which concluded that the accused is responsible for his actions.

Otherwise, he could have been found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder.

Many fires

Brian Paré faces 11 charges. In addition to being accused of setting fires on May 31 and 1er June in the forests of Chapais, he is accused of having lit “intentionally or without worrying about the consequences of his act” six forest fires in Chibougamau between 1er June and September 5.

He is also accused of setting fire to a fishing cabin and a house, and of committing a public nuisance “which endangered the life, safety or health” of the population.

We do not currently know which of the numerous fires that raged in the area are blamed on Brian Paré, nor if they are those which led to the evacuations of Chibougamau residents at the beginning of summer 2023. .

Brian Paré has been detained since his arrest on September 7. When he returns to court next week, he will ask to be released for the duration of the criminal proceedings. Witnesses will be called during this hearing.

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