Brest city council votes on video surveillance

As often, security sparked a heated debate Thursday, December 9 during the municipal council of Brest (Finistère). The ninth deliberation concerned the agreement signed on November 25 by the city and the state. A set of 27 joint measures, one of which has focused all attention: the installation of 15 video surveillance cameras from the start of the year in public spaces.

A third of abstention in the majority

If the vote did not reserve any surprises (deliberation adopted unanimously), 14 elected by the majority abstained, that is to say exactly a third of the troops.

Yohann Nédélec, assistant for urban tranquility and rapporteur for the deliberation, recalled that more than 700 cameras are already installed in Brest (128 around public buildings and 580 in public transport), environmental and communist groups recalled their opposition in principle to video surveillance, “an extremely expensive gear” for Glen Dissaux (EELV), who sees “government blackmail and ideological solution”. Eric Guellec (PCF) insisted on the ineffectiveness of cameras in the prevention of delinquency, and pointed out “the trivialization of this technological development” let him judge “disturbing”. Xavier Hamon (Génération.s) also abstained.

The opposition votes for

Rarely, the mayor François Cuillandre received on this text the support of the two opposition groups. Who did not fail to mock the late conversion of the mayor: Marc Coatanéa (LREM) throwing him: “We take note of the first steps you are taking, Mr. Mayor, certainly timid, but small steps all the same in taking into account the reality of our fellow citizens”.

No less than 10 speakers took the floor before the mayor closed the debate, which lasted … 1h40. The evening promised to be long with the 63 other deliberations to be considered, most of which concern the budgetary stance.

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