breeders defend militant agriculture


Article written by

O.Lenuzza, R.Mathé, B. De Saint Jore, Drone images: Olivier Guérin – France 2

France Televisions

In Larzac, breeders defend militant agriculture, which respects certain very specific criteria. To settle there, farmers must comply with certain guidelines and adopt the local mentality.

Patrick Mayet is the last shepherd to arrive on the land of Larzac. Last January, he moved here with his sheep to develop his breeding. With his partner Mathilde Schaeflin, they want to propose a “different agriculture”. He rubs shoulders with other militant farmers like Léon Maillé. In 1971 he was one of the leaders of the herders who opposed the expropriation and also the five-fold extension of a military camp. a unique land tenure system was created due to the conflict. The lands are the property of the State, they are allocated collectively giving priority to the project.

Larzac breeders defend a specific type of agriculture, with its own precepts. As soon as there is a departure, the land management company has no shortage of applications. One of the criteria for election is to take care of the land at all costs. “It is a working tool that we will pass on to those who will come after us. We are going to take care of it as best we can to pass it on and so they have to have it in their heads when they get involved “, confides Chantal Alvergnas, member of the civil society of the lands of Larzac.


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