Brazilian Lula in the United States to put the bilateral relationship back on track

Invested for barely a month, the left-wing Brazilian president Lula is heading to Washington on Thursday to put back on track, with his American counterpart Joe Biden, a relationship that was strained during the mandate of his far-right predecessor Jair Bolsonaro.

• Read also: From the presidential palace to the KFC: Bolsonaro’s new life in the United States

• Read also: Bolsonaro instigated coup attempt, claims Lula

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has just started his third term, is to be received Friday afternoon by the Democratic president at the White House.

“The main thing to remember from this visit is its political nature, the symbolic fact that it comes at the start of President Lula’s term of office,” Michel Arslanian Neto, head of the Latin America and Caribbean Department, told reporters on Tuesday. from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“This is an opportunity for the two leaders (…) to give impetus and direction (new) to the relationship”, he added, referring to “a schedule of exchanges of visits” to be expected. .

The White House said that “the United States’ unwavering support for democracy in Brazil” and “common challenges” such as “climate change, food security, economic development, peace building and security as well as regional migration”.

Lula “wants to reaffirm the strategic partnership” with the United States, “revitalize cooperation in key areas and strengthen the alliance on the sensitive issues of the moment for the two presidents: the environment and the defense of democracy”, explains Fernanda Magnotta, USA specialist at the FAAP foundation, in Sao Paulo.

Democracy in Brazil was shaken, just a week after Lula’s inauguration, by the ransacking of institutions in Brasilia by more than 4,000 unleashed Bolsonarists.

The events of January 8 recalled in many ways the assault on the Capitol in January 2021 by rioters refusing the defeat of Donald Trump.

“A major theme of affinity between the administrations of Biden and Lula (…) is the fight against the radicalization of the far right, represented by Bolsonarism in Brazil and Trumpism in the United States, two brotherly movements”, estimates with AFP Guilherme Casaroes, political scientist at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV).

The environment, absolute priority

Former President Bolsonaro, now a refugee in Florida — a matter that should not be discussed between Biden and Lula, according to Brasilia — had been among the last leaders to congratulate Biden on his victory. Relations have been frozen.

Previously, his assumed admiration of Trump had translated into a total alignment of Brasilia with Washington as well as a mimicry in his way of governing.

Another major common issue: the environment, “especially the preservation of the Amazon and the impact on climate change,” says Mr. Casaroes.

“It is an absolute priority” for Lula and “with a technically competent team, everything indicates that he will manage to make the Brazilian agenda agree with American expectations”.

Deforestation in the Amazon has increased by 60% in each of Bolsonaro’s years in office (2019-2022). Lula has pledged zero deforestation by 2030 in the world’s largest rainforest, critical to controlling the planet’s climate.

“There is no alternative,” said Rubens Barbosa, former Brazilian ambassador to the United States, “Lula will have to succeed in his fight against illegal activities in the Amazon, such as deforestation, the extraction of gold”.

Spare China

In addition, during Lula’s visit, “there is a lot of space for a dialogue” on an increase in trade and bilateral investment, said Ms. Magnotta.

In terms of defence, technology transfers and scientific cooperation agreements could be discussed.

“Brazil is keen to expand its access to the North American defense market,” said Arslanian Neto.

But the differences are not lacking.

On Ukraine, Brazil condemned the Russian invasion at the UN, but did not adopt economic sanctions against Moscow and will not send ammunition to kyiv.

Lula’s Brazil also wants to normalize its relations with Venezuela. And unlike the United States, he does not see China, any more than Russia, as a threat. The three big emerging are members of the Brics.

Brazil must spare China: it is its first trading partner (152.6 billion dollars in 2022), far ahead of the United States, the second (88.8 billion USD).

The first economic power in Latin America is “very dependent on Asia and in particular on China, for trade and investment”, recalls Mr. Barbosa.

Thus Lula, while restoring high-level relations with the United States, must reconnect with the “balanced” policy of Brazil, which “has constructive relations with all countries, without aligning itself with any power”, said Mr. Casaroes.

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