Brazil | Bus crash into ravine kills 10

(Brasilia) A bus carrying workers fell into a ravine in southern Brazil, killing 10 and injuring 21, police said Thursday.

Posted at 10:59

The accident took place overnight from Wednesday to Thursday, on a road near Sapopema, a town 300 km from Curitiba, capital of the state of Parana, while it was raining in the region.

The driver lost control of the vehicle during a turn and was unable to prevent it from falling into a ravine on the left of the road, the Parana traffic police said in a statement.

Images released by traffic police show the coach completely destroyed and lying on its side.

It was transporting workers from several regions of Brazil who had left the state of Minas Gerais (southeast).

According to the Brazilian press, they were supposed to work in the maintenance of a paper factory in Parana, after having been hired by a subcontractor.

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