Brazil: Bolsonaro announces a trip to Russia at the end of February

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced on Thursday that he would visit Russia “at the end of February”, amid very high tensions between Moscow and the West over Ukraine, which the latter consider under threat of an invasion. Russian.

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“I will be there next month to strengthen ties and improve trade relations,” the head of state told supporters gathered outside the Alvorada Palace in Brasilia.

Questioned by AFP, the presidency however indicated “not having any details for the moment” on this visit which would be part of a tour which should also lead Mr. Bolsonaro to Hungary, according to the Brazilian press.

Vice President Hamilton Mourão had conceded last Monday that this trip could be canceled due to the serious diplomatic crisis between Russians and Westerners over Ukraine.

This conflict “is part of the discussion between Europeans, Brazil belongs to another continent, here we are the continent of peace,” said the reserve general.

Jair Bolsonaro explained on January 19 that his visit “was not intended to create problems of animosity”.

“We are aware of the problems some countries have with Russia. But Russia is our partner. It’s a trip that has an interest for us, and for them too”, he said then, “the invitation comes from their side”.

The far-right leader, whose country has become even more isolated on the international stage since President Donald Trump left the presidency of the United States a year ago, called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Thursday “ conservative “.

According to Washington, “everything indicates” that Vladimir Putin will “use military force” against Ukraine by mid-February.

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