Brad Pitt between humor and stunts in a crazy blockbuster

David Leitch, director of Deadpool 2 and John Wick, returns with an offbeat thriller. And he cast Brad Pitt, the actor with more than 60 movies, to play the nerdy criminal and lead role in Bullet Train. In this action film coupled with a crazy comedy that takes us on a very futuristic train, the characters show a lot of self-mockery.

Ladybug, an atypical man wearing a bucket hat, is a rather unlucky contract killer. For his new mission, he finds himself on a futuristic train in Japan and naively thinks it’s a simple challenge: grab a briefcase and get out at the first stop. But it turns out to be more complicated than expected. He finds himself confronted with several other criminals who, despite their differences, have one thing in common… See you at the terminus!

This completely wacky police comedy is adapted from the Japanese book Maria Beetle by Kotaro Isaka, published in 2010. A real success in the Land of the Rising Sun, this novel bears the name of the character played by Sandra Bullock in the film. Moreover, this role was to be interpreted by Lady Gaga, but the American singer was already mobilized by the film House of Gucci. Made in full containment, Bullet Train was unfortunately not shot in Japan, but almost exclusively in studios.

Brad Pitt signs his big comeback in front of the camera since his Oscar for best supporting role in Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood, by Quentin Tarantino in 2020. His – rare – appearances in the cinema are each time very noticed. While promoting the film in Europe, he moved crowds on red carpets. And for good reason, in Bullet Trainthe actor of fight club and D’Ocean Eleven pulls out all the stops: responsible for 95% of his stunts, he also demonstrates a lot of self-mockery throughout the film.


We also find in this film the new darling of young people, Joey King. revealed in The Kissing Booth on Netflix, she interprets here the role of Prince, a beautiful young girl with an innocent air but who turns out to be a real psychopath, who plays her physique to achieve her ends. Also on the bill, Puerto Rican rapper Bad Bunny, known for his titles with Cardi B or Drake. Here he takes his first steps in the cinema with a quick but remarkable intervention.

Despite some lengths, Bullet Train keeps us in suspense until the end thanks to the many fight scenes (which can sometimes be quite violent) and the various gags that punctuate the film. A black humor that blends perfectly with the aggressiveness of these criminals that brings a kind of lightness to the action of the characters. We go from a fierce fight in a carriage to a funny scene in the modern toilets of the train. A perfect mix.

Cinema: In "Bullet Train"Brad Pitt navigates between action film and wacky comedy

A “perfect” young girl, an endearing father, two accomplice brothers… There is no robot portrait of the perfect criminal. The proof in this film with a great diversity of profiles. The characters all complement each other wonderfully. We get out of the clichés and we indulge our curiosity to know the story of each one. All without ever getting bored (or almost).

The poster of "Bullet Train"in theaters Wednesday, August 3, 2022. (SONY PICTURES)

Gender : action, thriller
Director: David Leitch
Actresses and actors: Brad Pitt, Joey King, Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Duration : 2:07
Exit : August 3, 2022
Distributer : Sony Pictures Entertainment

Summary: Ladybug is a down-on-his-luck assassin and uniquely determined to complete her new mission peacefully after too many of them have gone off the rails. But fate has decided otherwise and takes him on the fastest train in the world alongside formidable adversaries who all have one thing in common, but whose interests diverge radically… He must then try by all means to to get off the train.

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