Brad Pitt: A famous actress, to whom he was engaged, swings on their relationship

If today Brad Pitt is a huge movie star (especially in Inglorious Bastards or in Burn After Readingthis Wednesday on Arte), that he is known to the whole world and father of six children (Maddox, 21, Pax, 19, Zahara, 17, Shiloh, 16, Knox and Vivienne, 14) with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie, the actor was once a Hollywood rookie, a young man accompanied, at the time, by another actress, Gwyneth Paltrow.

Between 1995 and 1997, the two actors formed one of the most popular couples of the moment, even sharing a few films including the popular Seven. But since their break-up, which was highly publicized, how have their relationships evolved? Asked by EntertainmentTonight, the one who is now married to Brad Falchuk, told how today both get along well. And has not dried up compliments on his ex!

When we broke up, at first, we weren’t friends at all, and for a long time. Then, we met 18 or 19 years ago I would saysomething like that, and we kept in touch for all these years“, she said, before being very clear: “I love it“.”He’s an amazing person, he’s a great entrepreneur and something so good, so creative. I really love it, I’m a big fan“, she added.

An avalanche of compliments which must have pleased the actor, whose public image suffered from his divorce, accusations from his ex-wife and some of his children who explain that during an argument, he would have been violent with his eldest son, Maddox. He no longer wants to see him now. In any case, Gwyneth Paltrow knows that Brad Falchuk, the one she married in 2018, will not be jealous of her relationship with Brad Pitt.

Brad Falchuk, her husband “who knows her by heart”

Explaining”that he fully respects“their friendshipshe confided that it was the man “the least judgmental, the most secure man in the relationship” that she has known. At the same time, both of them know each other very well: “That’s probably one of the things he likes about me is that I believe in the importance of the couple. Whether you’re in a relationship with your co-worker, your spouse, your boyfriend, I truly believe that when you get involved with someone, if you end up amputating that relationship, you can’t heal properly.“.

“So even though sometimes it can be uncomfortable, I think it’s nice to work on it and to reconnect with the value that person brought to your life“, she told. Gwyneth Paltrow then confided that she and her husband feel a “true chemistry“, even explaining that when the director is with her, she feels “perfectly well in his body“.

As a reminder, after her relationship with Brad Pitt, Gwyneth Paltrow met Chris Martin, the singer of the group Coldplay, the father of her two children Apple (18) and Moses (16).

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