Brad Johnson: Melrose Place actor dies at 62

The fans of Melrose Place going to take a hit on the head! Actor Brad Johnson aka Doctor O’Malley is dead. The news fell from his agent Linda McAlister who revealed it to the HollywoodReporter.

Brad’s family later posted in his honor. “He wasn’t just interested in life, he was good at it. Even though he left too soon, he lived as fully as possible. He was larger than life. Brad was loved by many and loved back, he was a true friend, trusted colleague, caring husband and father. He will never be forgotten and his legacy will live on.”. Although the announcement was only made today, the actor passed away on February 18 at the age of 62 in Fort Worth, Texas. It was revealed that he ist death from complications caused by Covid-19.

After having played the famous Cowboy Marlboro during various advertising appearances in the 1980s, Brad was spotted in stride by the great Steven Spielberg. The latter offers him the main role alongside Holly Hunter and Richard Dreyfuss of his film Always, a fantastic and romantic drama. Several roles in the cinema will follow in particular Flight of the Intruder, Philadelphia Experiment II, or Supergator. But it is especially on television that Brad will mark the spirits. First by playing Rayford Steele in the series left-behind then in the skin of doctor Dominick O’Malley in the series Melrose Place. By becoming a recurring character in season 4 of the medical show, he is seen on average by 13 million Americans each episode. His last film role was in 2015 in the film Nails 32.

He leaves behind a very large family since he had no less than eight children, including six girls and two boys. We extend our condolences to them and to all their loved ones.

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