Boycott of the Beijing Olympics, return to prison for the Balkany, Covid-19 … The informed of Thursday, February 3

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Thursday, February 3.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

– Beijing Olympics: the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, will not go to the opening ceremony, boycotted by several countries to denounce the attacks on human rights.

– Return to the prison box for the Balkany: the Court of Appeal of Rouen revoked the placement under electronic bracelet of Patrick and Isabelle Balkany, condemned for “massive tax fraud”, paving the way for their imprisonment.

– Improvement of the health situation: the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, affirms that “the worst is behind us”. But are we too optimistic?

The informed:

– Nathalie Mauret political journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group.

– Elsa Freyssenet great reporter for Les Echos.

– Jacques Paugam, journalist at the Point.

– Mathieu Gallard research director in the Public Affairs department at Ipsos.

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