Boxing | Kim Clavel’s “rebirth”

Kim Clavel experienced “like the end of the world” the cancellation of his fight on December 17 because of an injury. But she assures us that she has been living through a “rebirth”.

Jean-Francois Téotonio

Jean-Francois Téotonio

“I am in the process of rebuilding myself even more solid foundations,” she explains to us on the phone. I go to the gym to do things I’ve never done. I take the time to build those little muscles that are super important. I’ll get there even more solid. ”

“There” is her WBC half-fly world championship fight against Mexico’s Yesenia Gómez. A date and a location have already been found by its promoter Yvon Michel, she tells us.

“The opposing clan has already accepted,” reveals the boxer in rehabilitation following an injury whose nature has not been disclosed. “In the contract, we have 90 days to find a fight date, otherwise she can fight someone else. ”

She cannot say more at the moment. “Yvon will make the announcement soon,” she adds.

Our interview took place as part of the release of the documentary The queens of the ring, aired Friday evening at 7 p.m. on RDS2. This new chapter in the series 25 years of emotions traces the path taken by boxers Marie-Ève ​​Dicaire and Kim Clavel to the professional ranks.

Les deux athlètes y relatent l’importance de la boxe dans leurs vies respectives. Complémentée par les témoignages de leurs entraîneurs Danielle Bouchard (Kim Clavel) et Stéphane Harnois (Marie-Ève Dicaire), l’émission traite de l’épanouissement et de la fierté que leur procure ce sport, malgré les risques du métier.

En regardant le documentaire, Kim Clavel « était vraiment dans l’émotion ».

« Quand je le regardais, j’avais parfois les larmes aux yeux, parfois je riais. […] You know, I’m in the ring. But there I saw the coaches, how they act, from the outside. It’s like I’m a spectator. See Danielle and Stéphane talking in the corner, jumping, laughing, being happy, being stressed. It’s the first time I’ve seen this. ”

We learn more about Clavel’s youth in Joliette, in particular. His mother lives on a stable. The athlete explains that she returns there regularly to recharge her batteries.

“It was really beautiful. The parts [du documentaire] when I’m with the horses, it really touched me. We see my father, my mother, my horse. “

Clavel sometimes returns to his mother’s house on weekends, even to training camp.

“This closeness to animals makes me feel good. It’s a bit like doing pet therapy. It calms me down, it refreshes me. […] After that I come back full of energy to training. ”

“I didn’t go out, I didn’t talk to anyone”

In The queens of the ring As in our telephone interview, if there is one thing that stands out, it is this: Kim Clavel lives to the rhythm of boxing.

When her world championship fight was called off, she said she “handled it really badly”.

“I was at our house, I didn’t go out, I didn’t talk to anyone. At one point I got a grip on myself, but it lasted a good week. I found it tough. “

This is because she says she needs boxing to “channel” all her energy.

I’m realizing it right now because I have a wound to heal. I don’t box. Looks like I’m missing something. I have a hard time managing my emotions, as if I have an imbalance in my life. Boxing, for me, has a therapeutic effect.

Kim clavel

But at the end of November, she realized that her “Ferrari was starting to get a little tired”.

“She was losing pieces, I had a small tire change and an oil change to do,” she illustrates, a smile in her voice. But my Ferrari in the next fight is going to be top notch. She’s going to come out of the garage. ”

In the service of boxing

Kim Clavel is “aware” of the importance of her image in promoting women’s boxing. She even explains that she tries to “bring out the good in this sport”.

“Boxing is not a sport that everyone enjoys. ”

“I try to make sure my fights aren’t flat. I have good spectacular fights. I always arrive well prepared, I am in good physical shape, I have always good quality opponents. People always have positive things to say. ”

It even goes “beyond sport”, according to Clavel.

“You have to try to be a good person in life, to set a good example. For a long time, boxing was shown as a sport of bums. I am a nurse, I am someone who likes to help others, I have good values. ”

“And yes, I do this sport. It’s a great sport. ”

The queens of the ring
25 years of emotions
Friday, December 10 7 p.m., RDS2
Tuesday, December 14 around 10 p.m., RDS

A touching message

On December 6, the day to commemorate the Polytechnique tragedy, Kim Clavel wrote a touching message on social networks, expressing her “sensitivity” and “solidarity” as a woman, nurse and boxer. “It’s something that touches me a lot,” she says over the phone. These days, with all the feminicides happening in Quebec, I find it so degrading, so very sad. “” I feel like things are changing, but not fast enough. It’s important to talk about it and ask for help, not to be shy about talking about it. She adds. “It’s not a taboo subject, there really is domestic violence. […] It must be hard to get by. You have to go to consult and ask for help. It’s the only way. ”

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