Bourges on track to welcome a new license for future caregivers

Everyone agrees that it isvery good news for our region. A faculty of medicine will see the light of day in the coming years in Orléans in order to train 500 doctors each year in the region. This is what emerges from the report of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (IGAS), commissioned by Matignon. “This mission and this report are, in fact, a commitment of the State which cannot be canceled”reacts François Bonneau, the president of the Region, who is at the initiative of this fight.

Among the recommendations of the inspectors: the opening of a PASS license (specific health access course) in Bourges at the start of the 2023 academic year. This is one of the courses set up to replace the PACES (first year common to health studies), since the disappearance of the numerus clausus.

More doctors trained in the region

For the first year of medical studies, there are now two courses: the LAS (license with health access) which offers a major corresponding to a chosen subject outside health, and a minor dedicated to health. There are currently two in Bourges, with specialties in law and sports professions. The second existing training is therefore the PASS license which includes a health major and a minor in another subject.

There are none at the moment in Berry, but that could change within two years. “It is possible to open a PASS in Bourges at the start of the 2023 school year”, says the IGAS report. For François Cormier-Bouligeon, LREM deputy from Cher, who brought this file to the Prime Minister, this is a real victory for the territory. “It’s done”assures the parliamentarian.

According to him, the PASS license will therefore see the light of day at the start of the 2023 school year in Bourges. “For the moment, we are going to be on video courses, in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of Toursindicates the elected representative of the presidential majority. Things will then expand and we will switch to Orléans, which is more practical for many students from Cher”.

“The PASS being today an entire comodal training (on site and broadcast live remotely), it is possible that some of the places will be offered, from 2023, on other sites and in priority in Bourges, by taking advantage of the infrastructures of the Orleans campus or the connected campus, within the premises of the Community Institute for Continuing Education”can we actually read in the report of the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs.

François Cormier-Bouligeon also highlights another positive aspect of the report: a better distribution of student internships in the region. Concretely, this means more internships for interns in Indre and Cher, which means more chances of seeing them then settle in the territory with a long-term project.

When we can stay close to families to study, it’s still better

Announcements tempered by other players in the sector. “These are recommendations in this report”, emphasizes Magali Bessard, vice-president of the Region and deputy mayor of Bourges. She recognizes that these conclusions meet a real need. “We saw it with the opening of 100 PASS places in Orléansshe explains. There was a rush on Parcoursup, there were nearly 1,000 requests for 100 places, so it responds to a request from young people and the territory”.

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Like her, on the union side, we prefer to remain cautious and we are waiting for concrete guarantees. “Our first claim on training is that it be as close as possiblereacts Sébastien Martineau, secretary general of the CGT in the Cher. We know that studies are expensive, that housing is expensive, that life is expensive. When you can stay close to families to study, it’s still better”. He welcomes this progress, but would like more resources. “We are starting from such a low base, we are a very poorly off department when we talk about training in care or in medico-social. If we could do even more, that would be a good thing”.

The University of Orléans confirms that the decision is not 100% recorded, specifying that “decisions change almost daily on this subject”. “The reflection is still ongoing on this subject”indicates the direction of the health service of the university, explaining that priority is currently given to the implementation of PASS licenses in Orléans. “The assessment that we will make following the next school year will enlighten us on the opportunity, both educational and technical, of opening a PASS in Bourges”we are told.

Soon an LAS license in Châteauroux

While waiting to learn more about this possible creation of a PASS license in Bourges, an LAS license will be set up in Châteauroux at the start of the next school year. The 20 students will be specialized in law-eco-management, with minor health. And the sector is already arousing great enthusiasm: more than 120 requests were made this year on Parcoursup.

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