Bourges Basket already qualified for the EuroCoupe play-offs

Serious, applied, determined. The Berruyères showed a very good state of mind this Wednesday during the match against Tenerife. The Spanish club had put the Tango in difficulty during the first day of EuroCoupe. It took a decisive basket two seconds before the final whistle for Bourges Basket to snatch victory (80-79). This time the script caused significantly less cold sweats and the Berruyère team has won a lot 91-56.

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From the first quarter, the gap was widened with a score of 25 to 8 for Bourges Basket. Tenerife could never make up for this delay which continued to climb minute after minute. At halftime, the Berry basketball players had almost double the points of their opponents (49-25). A beautiful spectacle which greatly pleased the 3,588 spectators in the Prado hall.

This fourth success in four games allows the Berruyères to qualify for the rest of the competition. Even though there are still two games to go in the group stages.

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