Bourbonnais chicken, the flavor of Auvergne



Video length: 3 min

Cuisine: Bourbonnais chicken, the flavor of Auvergne

Head to Auvergne for a focus on Bourbonnais chicken, the second poultry in the world to obtain an AOP. A consecration for breeders like François, met by France Télévisions.

(France 2)

Head to Auvergne for a focus on Bourbonnais chicken, the second poultry in the world to obtain an AOP. A consecration for breeders like François, met by France Télévisions.

On his farm in Gannat (Allier), François Périchon has been raising chicken from Bourbonnais for almost 30 years. “It already has a well-designed entrance crest”, he explains. Labeled a few months ago, Bourbonnais chicken is the second to obtain the AOP, protected designation of origin, with that of Bresse. Its breeding is done in a wooden cabin to keep it protected from humidity, with a certain know-how.

A price that could increase

“We have photos of my great-grandfather feeding the chickens. White chickens which are the origin of Bourbonnais chicken”, says François Périchon. Poultry is sold on market stalls such as in Vichy (Allier), at 17.90 euros per kilo. Its price could increase further with this new recognition. Since the implementation of the label, a butcher has noticed an increase in sales, despite the price.

Among our sources

Official Journal of the European Union

François Périchon breeder (Gannat)

Butchery Domaine de Limagne (Vichy)

Restaurant La Ferme de Saint-Sébastien (Charroux)

Non-exhaustive list.

source site-13