bottles of wine offered to the firefighters mobilized in Landiras and La Teste

These are two operations that were launched at the same time to thank the firefighters who came to fight the fires in Gironde. Both consist of offering them bottles of wine to thank them for their involvement in the fight against the flames, which destroyed 20,800 hectares in Gironde.

This Tuesday, the FDSEA and the Young Farmers, the two main agricultural unions announced that they were launching a collection to ship bottles all over France. While the interprofession of Bordeaux wines, the CIVB, join forces with the Union Bordeaux-Bègles to honor the Girondin firefighters, during the match UBB – Stade Toulousain.

Bottles throughout France

Those are “solidarity thanks” that the Departmental Federation of Farmers’ Unions and Young Farmers wish to send. The two Girondin agricultural unions are launching a collection from Girondin winegrowers. They will identify the castles ready to give away, store cases of bottles, before sending them back anywhere in France. Shipments should begin at the end of the summer. The FDSEA and the JA33 want “provide comfort” to 1,200 firefighters from 60 departments, by allowing them to taste “good bottles of Bordeaux wines, as a family or as a team”.

Girondin firefighters invited to the Chaban Delmas stadium

For its part, the interprofessional council of Bordeaux wines has joined forces with the Union Bordeaux-Bègles rugby club to thank the Girondin firefighters. The club will thus offer them 1,000 places for the first game of Top 14 of the season against Toulouse, on Sunday September 4, 2022 at the Stade Chaban-Delmas, which will be preceded by a lap of honor by firefighters. The CIVB has offer 1,000 bottles of wine to Girondin firefighters.

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