The department is currently without running water more than two days out of three.
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The island of Mayotte is reaching the end of its water reserves and the authorities are preparing to have to distribute bottled water to the entire population from Monday, November 20, despite the logistical and human challenges. In total, “330,000 liters of water per day will be distributed”, announced Philippe Vigier, Minister Delegate for Overseas Territories, on the occasion of his last visit to the island at the beginning of November. Or one liter per person, daily.
The first reinforcements of firefighters and Civil Security soldiers arrived on the island on September 18 to help distribute water to nearly 60,000 people with disabilities, aged over 65, pregnant women as well as infants. LTheir number was increased to 150 to prepare for the transition to water distribution to the entire population.
“We don’t know how these bottles will be distributed”
The poorest department in France is currently without running water more than two days out of three. The island is facing an exceptional drought coupled with a lack of infrastructure and investment, and is under pressure from illegal immigration, particularly from the neighboring Comoros.
“We have been waiting for these distributions to the entire population for a long time. Now, there is still some concern on the part of the population: we do not know how these bottles will be distributed and if everyone will really be able to benefit from them,” asks Safina Soula, president of the Mayotte 2018 citizens’ collective. The municipalities, which have managed free distributions since their establishment, assure that they are already “overwhelmed”.
The prefecture ensures that new sites will be requisitioned to supply the entire population. “The additional staff should be sufficient, they will support municipal staff for distribution,” assures Gilles Cantal, the water prefect. “We will assess needs every week. If there is a problem, we will react”he promises.