borrowing is getting harder and harder



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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Home loans are increasingly difficult to obtain. The reason is rising interest rates. The details of the journalist Catherine Rougerie, present on the set of 19/20, Tuesday, May 23.

It is increasingly difficult to obtain a mortgage because interest rates have increased. “They have gone from 1% at the end of 2021 to 3.15% today, and could even reach 4% this summer”details journalist Catherine Rougerie, present on the set of 19/20, Tuesday, May 23. A situation that is already having consequences on the real estate market. The buyers “turn to smaller houses or apartments, or else they abandon their project”continues the journalist.

Extend the maximum repayment period

What to do to remedy the situation? “The Minister of the Economy pleads for an easing of the loan conditions. Today, the maximum repayment term is set at 25 years. It could be extended up to 30 years”reports Catherine Rougerie. Another lever would also be to raise the maximum debt ratio by 35% in the face of a very good file.

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