Boris Johnson’s replacements are knocking on the door

Maneuvers began on Friday to replace British Prime Minister Boris Johnson after his resignation sparked by an unprecedented political crisis, and his former finance minister Rishi Sunak was one of the very first to position himself for his succession .

Mr Johnson resigned on Thursday, let go by the Conservative party exhausted by the repeated scandals which marked the 2 years and 349 days in power of the charismatic former Brexit hero.

Between Tuesday and Thursday, some 60 members of his government – ministers, secretaries of state and other collaborators with lesser responsibilities – had resigned after a new scandal, leaving him no other option.

“I am running to be the next leader of the Conservative Party and your Prime Minister. Let’s restore confidence, rebuild the economy and bring the country together, ”said Rishi Sunak on Twitter on Friday evening, who is among the favorites in a still very open race. “My values ​​are non-negotiable, patriotism, justice, and hard work,” he added in a video where he particularly emphasizes the importance of his family.

The 42-year-old former finance minister was one of the first to throw in the towel on Tuesday night, apparently without even telling Boris Johnson, along with Health Minister Sajid Javid. These two resignations a few minutes apart had paved the way for dozens of others, elected officials criticizing Boris Johnson for his lack of integrity.

If the Prime Minister has resigned, he has not yet left Downing Street, specifying that he will remain in power until his successor is appointed. This situation, which could last until the fall, is making people cringe, while the country is facing record inflation of 9%, the worst of the G7 countries, and a rise in social movements, in a context of war in Ukraine.

Mr Johnson ‘is a proven liar drowned in corruption, we cannot go another two months like this’, Labor opposition deputy leader Angela Rayner said on Friday calling for a caretaker prime minister , on the BBC. “If they don’t, we are very clear that we will present a motion of no confidence before the parliamentary recess” on July 22, she added.

Mr Johnson’s spokesman, however, ruled out Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab taking over as interim. “The Prime Minister acts in accordance with the convention. He remains prime minister until a new party leader is in place and the work of government will continue during that time,” he said.

The brand new Minister of Education, James Cleverly, assured that the process of appointing the new Conservative leader would be carried out “professionally, but quickly”. Some elected officials, however, fear a chaotic summer.

Mr Johnson assured after his resignation that his hastily reconstituted government (12 ministers and secretaries of state were appointed on Thursday and 7 on Friday) would not seek to implement new policies or make major changes. The big budget decisions will be left to the next prime minister.

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