Boris Johnson promises investigation, apologizes after suspicion of Downing Street Christmas party

A video appeared to confirm that a Christmas party did take place last December in Downing Street, despite health restrictions.

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The British Prime Minister under fire from critics. Boris Johnson announced Wednesday, December 8 an internal investigation and apologized to pfor the impression given, after the broadcast of a video appearing to confirm that a Christmas party had indeed taken place last December in Downing Street, despite the restrictions against the Covid-19.

Boris Johnson said to himself “mad” after the release of this video, reaffirmed that he had “been insured several times” since the beginning of this affair that“there had been no party” and that’“no rule” had not been violated. While some opposition MPs have called for his resignation, Boris Johnson announced an internal investigation and promised “consequences” for those who have not followed the rules.

Viewed by millions of people, this video sparked outrage in the UK. The government has repeatedly denied press reports that a party bringing together dozens of people was held on December 18, 2020. The The video shows her then publicist Allegra Stratton, along with colleagues, preparing answers to hypothetical questions from journalists about the Christmas party in Downing Street.

Allegra Stratton, then spokesperson for the Prime Minister, apologized to the British on Wednesday for his “words that seemed to take the rules lightly, rules that people did everything they could to observe”. She also announced her resignation from the post of Councilor at Downing Street that she had held since COP26.

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