Boris Johnson in front of the British Parliament to explain himself on the holidays during confinement


Video length: 2 min.


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Like every day, the 11 p.m. news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Wednesday 22 March.

On the BBC, Boris Johnson, without any mandate, is heard by Parliament. A river report denounces the parties organized in its services during confinement, and pinpoints its denial of the time. Did he deceive Parliament? “I’m here, hand on heart, that I didn’t lie. When these statements were made, they were made in good faith, based on what I honestly knew and believed at the time.” replied the former British Prime Minister, who is playing the future of his political career.

A risk of an oil spill in Portugal

In Portugal, a risk of an oil spill threatens the Atlantic coast. Twenty kilometers from Portuguese land, a tanker caught fire. The ship’s crew had to be evacuated. “This ship carries chemicals, fuel for planes, not to mention its own tank”, notes Adriano Bordalo e Sa, researcher at the University of Porto, who specifies that a risk of explosion exists. On the coasts, Danish this time, the fauna is in full evolution. Sardines and anchovies are found in Danish peaches, “never seen” for Marie Storr-Paulsen, expedition leader at the Technical University of Denmark.

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