Boris Johnson fan of Peppa Pig!

During a speech in front of the British employers Monday, Boris Johnson evoked during several minutes the cartoon Peppa Pig to praise the know-how “British”. This did not escape Olivia Leray.

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How are you doing right now? Temporary fall fatigue? To comfort yourself tell yourself that someone is even more tired than you right now and that is Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister. To start his week, Bojo gave us a little speech on Monday, November 22 in front of the British employers, the medef over there, the Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, British version. It didn’t suit him too well. Everything was fine and badaboum in the middle: the seesaw!

“Yesterday I went to Peppa Pig Amusement Park. Who ever went to Peppa Pig Amusement Park?“asks Boris Johnson. For the uninitiated Peppa Pig is a cartoon that tells the story of a pig family with Peppa Pig, George his brother, mum pig and dad pig. “What Peppa likes best is playing, dressing up, walking outside and jumping in the mud, lists the British Prime Minister. His adventures always end happily! ” Anyway, Boris Johnson begins to tell for three minutes his love for the Peppa Pig amusement park where he was last weekend with his family. So in fact, there was a guideline. Peppa Pig is British and Bojo wanted to show the strength of British creativity. He said it was pure genius.

Okay, then he imitated a car. There, difficult to understand why? But it’s still fun. The tastiest thing is that at the very beginning of his speech, the Prime Minister simply got lost in his speech for long seconds. He is in the rough, he looks for his leaves, he says sorry 15 times … in short, big fatigue! So Bojo who loses his papers and his words, we should not laugh too much because we, for example, our Jean Castex, he also loses things. Remember in December 2020 when he was talking about vaccine strategy, he was looking everywhere for his glasses. And where were his glasses? Quite simply installed on his nose!

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