Boris Johnson disheveled hair and platinum blond: his crazy look deciphered

With Partygate, Boris Johnson is in a very bad position before the British people. If he continues his country’s policy in the face of the situation in Ukraine or even certain post-Brexit measures, he is also awaiting the publication of the internal report on the famous and scandalous parties in Downing Street, led by senior civil servant Sue Gray. The latter is slow to be revealed, due to the parallel involvement of the United Kingdom police on the file. A complex context for the Prime Minister whose eccentric look made believe that nothing could reach him. Where does her disheveled look that made her reputation come from?

Boris Johnson is a 57-year-old Conservative politician at the disheveled platinum hair, an explosive mix of genres. “Straw yellow broom“, “whipped by the wind“, his hairstyle has become, as AFP pointed out, his trademark as surely as his blunders and his excesses, at a time when communication counts as much, if not more, than ideas. For his supporters, his hair reflects his personality and his unconventional way of thinking which they see as an antidote to establishment Politics.

For her critics, she betrays a jester temper inadequate to assume the highest public office and made the United Kingdom the laughing stock of its allies. The comparison has not failed to be made with US President Donald Trump, whose platinum locks are part of the character, and who, like him, was brought to power by a populist wave.

When he was little, Boris Johnson sported straw blonde hair but remained a shy boy. From university, in the 1980s, the one who attended the benches of Oxford abandoned the parting on the side for a hairstyle responding to the shaggy fashion of the time. A sassy look that amplifies as her political career grows. The one who is nicknamed the medieval monk then becomes mayor of London and his hair style is scrutinized internationally. Historian Greg Jenner believes that as the mayor of the British capital, he used his hair as a “iconic brand“.”I saw him deliberately mess them up before a speech“, he wrote on Twitter.

Boris Johnson, the Brexit champion, failed to become Prime Minister in the aftermath of the June 2016 referendum, but the clean cut he sported in January has revived speculation about his desire to get back in the race against the Theresa May’s faltering government. Hairstylist Nick Mazer, who made it, claims the result was an accident, telling the Sun tabloid that Boris Johnson told him: “don’t change me“.”I was a little nervous and cut it shorter than I should have“, he added, pointing out that“he’s kept that shorter cut ever since and it suits him much better than his usual wild mane“.

Married to Carrie Symonds (33) and father of seven children, he has denied having his hair dyed to retain its straw-yellow glow as he said he did in a 2016 interview, claiming he was joking. “That’s an insulting suggestion“, he said during the campaign to become prime minister.

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