The former British Prime Minister accused the commission on Thursday of wanting to carry “the last stab of a political assassination”.
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Boris Johnson sinks into the “partygate”. The former British Prime Minister has “deliberately” lied to Parliament on multiple occasions, in this case of parties held in Downing Street residences in violation of restrictions linked to Covid-19, a parliamentary inquiry concluded Thursday, June 15 in a report. The ex-conservative leader had been notified last week of the damning conclusions of these fourteen months of investigation, pushing him to resign on June 9 from his position as deputy.
“The commission did not find any evidence” against us, reacted Boris Johnson in a long press release, reaffirming that he thought he had done nothing wrong and denouncing the “lie” and the findings of the committee. He accused her of wanting to wear “the last stab of a political assassination”.
A comeback to the legislative elections next year?
No longer sitting in the House of Commons, Boris Johnson no longer risks much. The report says the commission would have recommended a 90-day suspension if Boris Johnson hadn’t walked out, a very harsh punishment that would likely have triggered a by-election. The document, which must still be submitted to the vote of the deputies, nevertheless asks that it be withdrawn from its access to the premises of the Parliament, generally granted to the former heads of government.
A year after his resignation from Downing Street, where he spent three years marred by scandals, his resounding departure prevents any return to power of the ex-journalist and mayor of London, pending a possible re-election in the legislative elections scheduled for next year. .