Boris Johnson dad for the 7th time at 57 years old! His very young wife gave birth

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s wife Carrie gave birth at 33 to their second child, a daughter, the British press reports. This is the couple’s second toddler – already a parent of Wilfred born in April 2020 – and the 57-year-old politician’s seventh child. A happy news in a tense context in England, between discovery of cocaine in Westminster and clandestine Christmas parties in the government. Not to mention his rough speeches and the failure of COP26.

According to Daily Mail, Boris and Carrie Johnson went to a London hospital on the morning of December 9, two hours after police secured the area. In her press release, the spokeswoman for the head of state said: “The Prime Minister and Mrs Johnson are pleased to announce the birth of a healthy baby girl in a capital establishment today. Mother and daughter are doing very well. The couple would like to thank the wonderful maternity team for their care and support.“This second pregnancy for Carrie Johnson came after a painful miscarriage, which is why the leader’s wife used the term”rainbow baby“to announce her second pregnancy.

Wanting to preserve his privacy, Boris Johnson, married three times, admitted last September to be the father of six children, after years of rumors. In an interview with the American channel NBC, he said he had six children from three different relationships. There is, according to the Daily Mail, speculation about another child, which would make eight in total today therefore. He is the father of four grown children – Lara Lettice, 26, Milo Arthur, 24, Cassia Peaches, 22, and Theodore Apollo, 20 – born to his couple with Marina Wheeler and to Stephanie, from his extra relationship. marital with art consultant Helen MacIntyre in 2009. According to UK media reports, Boris Johnson’s second wife Marina was devastated by his adulterous relationship with Carrie Symonds and her four children were furious that he was going to have a child with Carrie.

On a cloud of happiness now, Boris Johnson will have to descend quickly to respond to public opinion. For two days, heavy suspicions weighed on the British executive recalls The Parisian : According to a video leaked to the media, a Christmas party was organized in Downing Street in December 2020, when restrictions against Covid-19 prohibited it. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has apologized to Parliament and promised an internal investigation. His advisor who appears on the video has resigned. But London police have announced that they will ultimately not open an investigation “at this stage”, “lack of proof“.

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