Boris Johnson creates controversy again by participating in a clandestine party


Article written by

M.Boisseau, C.Madini, O.Briand, L.Soudre, N.Boothby – France 2

France Televisions

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under investigation after revelations about parties that allegedly took place during the lockdown. A new one has just been added to the file.

A photo on which we see the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, cake in hand, arouses controversy. This photograph was reportedly taken on his birthday, June 19, 2020. That morning, he came to recall the barrier gestures in a school. However, in the afternoon, he allegedly blew out his birthday candles at an illegal party.

The English channel ITV is at the origin of its revelations. It indicates that the Prime Minister would have invited around thirty people to his offices, a behavior prohibited by law. Anger dominates the streets of London. “It’s shame ! Shame also vis-à-vis the rest of the world. I really believe he should resign.”, launches a passerby. This scandal is added to a long list which plunges the British Prime Minister into turmoil.


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