Boris Johnson bids farewell to Parliament as UK Prime Minister

Two weeks after his resignation, and pending the appointment of his successor, the head of government spoke one last time in Westminster.

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A page turns in the United Kingdom. The resigning Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, took part in his last question and answer session in the House of Commons before becoming a private member again, Wednesday July 20, in London. Believing to have “largely accomplished” his mission, he thanked all his “friends and colleagues” parliamentarians and concluded his speech with a “Hasta la vista, baby”using the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day. He then left the room to the applause of his camp.

On Tuesday, Boris Johnson led his final Council of Ministers before the summer vacation. The name of his or her successor is to be announced on September 5, following an internal Conservative Party voting procedure. The two finalists in the race for the head of the party must be designated Wednesday afternoon by the Conservative deputies, during a fourth vote to decide between theFinance Minister Rishi Sunak, Secretary of State for International Trade Penny Mordaunt and Foreign Minister Liz Truss.

In his farewell speech, Boris Johnson addressed a few “tips” to his future successor: “Stay close to Americans, stand up for Ukrainians, stand up for freedom and democracy everywhere, lower taxes and deregulate where you can to make this the best place to live and invest – which it already is – (…) focus- you on the road, but always remember to watch the rear view mirror, and most importantly, remember that it’s not Twitter that matters, it’s the people who sent us here.”

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