Boris Becker privileged in prison: an attitude that annoys his fellow prisoners…

It’s a case that has had the effect of a bomb in the civilized world of professional tennis. Former legend of his sport, Boris Becker was found guilty of hiding almost 3 million euros to avoid paying his debts. And English justice is not kidding with that since the winner of 6 Grand Slam tournaments was sentenced to a two and a half year prison sentence at the end of April. Incarcerated in Huntercombe Penitentiary in Henley-on-Thames, located in west London, the former husband of Lilly Becker should not serve his entire sentence, but do at least half of it.

Nevertheless, the conditions of detention of Boris Becker are starting to make people talk. The 54-year-old German would benefit from preferential treatment from his jailers if we are to believe information from the British daily The Sun. According to them, the former tennis star would have benefited from an assistant position to teach sports science to other prisoners. Nothing abnormal at first sight, especially knowing the pedigree of the former athlete, but who was taken aback in England since this position is generally reserved for prisoners who have been in prison for several years. “But Becker got this job only a few weeks after his sentence”fumes a source to the English media.

There is a lot of resentment towards him and several families of prisoners have written to complain.

It was enough for the families of several prisoners to step up and complain to the director of Huntercombe about the advantages granted to Boris Becker. “There is a lot of resentment towards him and several families of prisoners have written to complain”, confirms a source to the Sun. However, we must not imagine that the life of the former tennis player with multiple escapades is idyllic in prison. “It’s not exactly the luxury life he was used to, but he’s treated better than most of his fellow inmates”summarizes a witness.

Sentenced to a heavy sentence, Boris Becker is doing visibly better than expected behind bars, but these small advantages could quickly turn against him…

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