Bordeaux supporters take to the streets to save the club



Article written by

M. Genevois, M. Plauchard, R. Nouvelle – franceinfo

France Televisions

Sportingly relegated to Ligue 2 at the end of the season, the Girondins de Bordeaux, in financial difficulty, were again relegated to National by the administrative authorities. A situation that revolts the lovers of the club.

They are nearly 3000 pounding the pavement to save their club. “A lot of club lovers are there to represent the Girondins de Bordeaux. It’s a very important institution in French football and we hope it will continue”, book Rio Mavuba, Bordeaux player, present in the procession. Aware of having struggled to impose themselves in recent seasons, the navy and white however do not consider their place in the National. “Sportingly, the ranking means that we deserve to go down, but in Ligue 2, no lower”insists Paul Baysse, defender of the Girondins.

The public authorities are calling on the government to break this impasse, which they consider to be political. “I know that the Commercial Court of Bordeaux declared that the club was not in a state of insolvency and that it was in a position, financially, to approach the next season in Ligue 2”, says Pierre Hurmic, Mayor of Bordeaux. Seized by the club, the national Olympic committee must give its opinion on the question next week.

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