Bordeaux Métropole succumbs to the Bordeaux-Toulouse LGV

68 votes in favor, 38 against and 2 abstentions, this Thursday, November 25, Bordeaux Métropole said yes to the LGV between Bordeaux and Toulouse. This means that it is committed to contributing to the project up to 354 million euros. Even if everything seemed to be decided in advance, the debates were cordial, sometimes heated.

In particular in question the opposition between the ecologists led by Pierre Hurmic, Vice-president of the Metropolis and mayor of Bordeaux and the socialists of the metropolitan President Alain Anziani. Socialists in favor of the project who were able to count on the vote of the right.

What denounces the opposition to the project

Environmentalists do not want this project because they accuse it of being extremely destructive for the environment. They plead instead to work on the development of daily transport. For Pierre Hurmic “it’s an electoral maneuver” of the Government which supports the project. According to the Vice-President, “this 20-year-old project is emerging from the boxes a stone’s throw from the presidential elections while in 2017, Emmanuel Macron said he was unfavorable to the LGV project. “

Bordeaux-Toulouse in one hour

The LGV between Bordeaux and Toulouse would be an extension of the Bordeaux-Paris line, or 222 kilometers by high speed train. A definite advantage for Toulouse residents who would see their travel time between Toulouse and Paris significantly decrease to reach the 3h10 train.

Who pays what?

The entire GPSO project must cost just over 14 billion euros. The European Union will pay 20% of the sum, the State 40%. The rest goes to local communities. Bordeaux Métropole therefore undertakes to pay since this Thursday, November 25, an envelope of 354 million euros.

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