Bordeaux illustrator Marc Lizano at the Angoulême festival

This year at the Angoulême International Comic Strip Festival, the Gironde is fortunate to be represented by many artists: Alexis Saint-Georges for Death to idiotsElodie Garcia for The Silence of the ShadowAtoine Losty for The Incredible Stories of Miguel, #lesbellesvertes and Pink THRbut also Marc Lizano for his adaptation of the novel by Yaël Hassan, A grandfather who fell from the sky.

Leah, the heroine of Marc Lizano’s new album

Marc Lizano recounts in this new album the importance of transmission between generations. Leah, discovers that she has a grandfather who arrives from New York and comes to settle in her home. A grandfather with a story that his mother does not want to tell him. Why ? Leah will talk about it directly with her grandfather when she discovers a photo of him young with a wife and a granddaughter she does not know. We then learn that they were both killed in Auschwitz.

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