At the time, when you wanted to go hiking, you had to get big leather boots that were very sturdy, but also very heavy. There are now new types of hiking shoes that are much lighter and offer a nice alternative. But good old boots still have a place on the trails.
“It would be a good choice for backpacking because the body becomes heavier with a good backpack, there is more pressure on the leg, you have to help the foot to stabilize,” indicates Jean-Benoît Côté, department manager at La Cordée and holder of a bachelor’s degree in outdoor and adventure tourism from UQAC. “And often, when I see a person who is a little larger or who is less fit, I will perhaps go a little more in the hiking boot, which will support the person and help them progress in their activity of hiking. »
A good stiff boot provides support to the ankle, which can prevent injuries, but also minimize fatigue because the ankle has less work to do to stabilize the body.
“When I have clients, I ask them questions: what is your physical condition? Are you used to hiking? », adds the specialist.
For more athletic, experienced people, he would tend to suggest good hiking shoes, which don’t ride as high on the ankle as an ankle boot. “A regular will anticipate where their feet will land. If a rock is not well fixed, it will be able to recover from its imbalance. »

Many hikers choose shoes rather than boots. Lillie trusts her paws.
For long hikes with a small backpack, such as Compostelle, it would also fit on the shoe side. “Every time you lift your foot, it will be lighter. »
But if it’s someone who has never hiked, they would recommend the ankle boot. “When the person arrives on the descents, they will require support that a regular rider will not need. »
Renée-Claude Bastien, guide and coordinator of the adventure tourism program at Cégep de Saint-Laurent, remembers the time when hiking boots were omnipresent. “There weren’t a lot of options in terms of equipment,” she notes.

A good hiking shoe should still offer good support.
Existing boots were heavy, as was all outdoor gear. “We were carrying heavy equipment on our backs. So, we had to have stiff boots that went higher on the ankle to keep us safe. »
Today, the equipment is more and more efficient, its weight has been reduced, maybe half. We can therefore afford to think about a walking shoe, even for long hikes.
Renée-Claude Bastien, guide and coordinator of the adventure tourism program at Cégep de Saint-Laurent
Renée-Claude Bastien believes that beginners should still look for a good hiking boot. “At the start, we are not necessarily ready to invest the money necessary to lighten our backpack because there are prices associated with ultralight. Eventually, we will reduce the weight of the backpack and we will no longer need to wear these types of big boots. You can go there with a hiking shoe, but still rigid enough to support the foot on uneven terrain. It must be difficult if you take the front, then the heel of the shoe, and try to twist it. »
She admits, however, that even with her experience, she herself favors ankle boots when going on long hikes. “Due to my job, I find myself with a big load all the time even if I try to lighten it as much as possible. And then, I’m getting older and more active in the field. I’ve been hiking for 25 years, it’s certain that all my joints are weakened. The boot will always provide better support than the shoe. »

A few synthetic fabric elements make the ankle boots lighter.
However, she chooses ankle boots that include synthetic materials, which makes them lighter than chunky full leather ankle boots. This is also the compromise that Jean-Benoît Côté makes when he is very busy. Otherwise, it’s the shoe.
He and Renée-Claude Bastien both advise against the shoe trail (trail running). “It’s interesting because it breathes well, because it’s very comfortable, but it will wear out prematurely,” says Bastien.
The other important point is to choose a shoe or boot that matches your foot, and not to blindly follow the recommendations read on Facebook pages. “You can have a five-star shoe, but if it doesn’t fit you, you’re no further ahead,” concludes Renée-Claude Bastien.
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