Boost your career thanks to the stars

As a child, Arsène Talbot was already interested in astrology and the “esoteric arts”.

“Like a large majority of women, as a young adult, I put aside everything that was intuition and I really relied on my Cartesian skills,” says the woman who first worked in marketing, communications and sales.

Then the pandemic hit. “It crossed my path again. It was so strong and I saw so many connections that I went into business in astrology. »

This is how Miss Astro was born.

Since 2021, she defines herself as a “business coach and career astrologer” for women. Her specialty: making a star chart of entrepreneurs and… that of their businesses.

The date, time and place of birth of the company: “those are the three pieces of information I need,” explains the 43-year-old woman.

A sky map is intended to be a “photo” of the solar system at the time of its birth on which elements such as the 12 signs of the zodiac are superimposed.


Astrologer Arsène Talbot, aka Mademoiselle Astro, offers his clients the opportunity to draw up a natal chart for their business.

We often see a parallel between the founder and the energies of his company. It’s reflected in a sky map too.

Astrologer Arsène Talbot, aka Mademoiselle Astro

Its clientele is mainly made up of women aged 35 to 45 who want to start a business or who have recently taken the plunge.

“My goal is to activate their intuition muscle and help them make personal and business decisions. But I will never decide for the person. »

Can astrology predict the future? “The quick answer is no,” she replies. “It is impossible to predict specific things with astrology. What is possible is rather to highlight currents, possibilities and trends such as the rise of technologies and artificial intelligence, for example. »

At the heart of yourself

Caroline Malo, 47, has a degree in accounting and finance. She worked for 15 years in an advertising agency, then managed a company in the construction sector. A year ago, she started her own business as a coach and consultant.

She created the Leader Athena training, which promises to “become a better leader through astrology.” The support lasts 12 weeks. “I use the star map as a tool for self-knowledge,” she explains.

His clients ? Often SMEs with women at their head.

We really dig the sky map. It helps them realize who they are and then it’s easier to make an informed decision. We go to the heart of the map. So at the heart of themselves.

Caroline Malo, coach and consultant

Mélanie Simon, 49, was at the head of a “fairly large company” in the field of aesthetics. At 40, even if everything is going well in her life, she begins to ask herself questions. “I needed answers,” she says. I started with clairvoyants. » She describes this period of her life as “five years of fog”.

Then, after the sale of her business, she feels completely lost.

“What attracted me to Caroline Malo is that she works a lot with business leaders.

“When she starts talking about your star chart, when she describes everything you have just experienced, then you understand that it’s normal to have been in the fog. And what’s more, she can tell you roughly when it will wear off. »

Today, she has returned to mentoring young entrepreneurs. She has just relaunched in business with a new partner. They had their star charts made to see if they were compatible. “You have to experience it to understand it,” she summarizes.

Find meaning

For 15 years, Louise, who asked us to withhold her name, felt “on her X” as a business manager. Around twenty employees, and nearly 400 companies served. Just before the COVID-19 pandemic, his business was sold. Louise then becomes a young retiree of 50 years old.

“I have fulfilled my entire life in work, in my role as a leader. I wanted this second step to have meaning,” she says.

For four months, she followed the Leader Athena training.

Every week, she followed interactive modules: videos, questionnaires, group and individual meetings. “It took me a long time. I really got involved. » What did she discover? His new path, which unfolds in a non-profit organization.

I was confused during the first two or three modules. We always have a side that says: “Yeah, it’s probably coincidences.” But let’s just say there are a lot of coincidences.

Louise, former business manager

Believe in

According to a survey conducted in 2020 by the Research Co. firm, more women than men believe in astrology: 14% of Canadian women “definitely” believe in it and 26% “probably” believe in it. For men, these proportions are 11% and 19% respectively.

But astrology is a belief that has no scientific basis. “I am not getting into that debate,” replies Arsène Talbot. “The people who cross my path are very open to spirituality or at least to introspection. »

“The Sun and the Moon have an influence on us. That’s scientific. Why wouldn’t other planets have them? Do I believe astrology is true? Absolutely,” replies Caroline Malo.

“It seems like I bring a lot of relief to people,” adds Arsène Talbot. His wish for the future? “I would like to see even more women have stars in their eyes when they talk about their work. »

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