booming tourism



Video length: 4 mins.


Article written by

A. Vahramian, S. Yassine, M. Goar, L. De Villepin – France 2

France Televisions

In Egypt, tourists are back in numbers. In addition to the traditional visits to the pyramids, some opt for a cruise on the Nile. Reporting.

Tourists jostle to admire the pyramids at the gates of Cairo (Egypt). A family has come to hear the story of Pharaoh Cheops and discover his tomb dedicated to the god of the sun. “It’s one of the Seven Wonders of the World. It’s something to see at least once in your life”, marvels a tourist. In Egypt, tourists have been flocking since the end of the Covid and despite the economic crisis. In 2023, the country will welcome twice as many visitors as last year.

Cruises seduce

Nile cruises are very popular. Wally Aziz owns eight sailboats called dababyiats, a name derived from Arabic. The boats are full with French customers until May 2025. Every week, 14 passengers travel along the Nile. The cruises are top of the range, nearly 2,000 euros per person. In Cairo, at nightfall, tourists ride camels for a ride. Egypt is the fifth most visited country by French tourists.

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