Posted at 7:00 p.m.
Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba in the running for the Booksellers’ Prize in France
The novel by Gabrielle Filteau-Chiba Waterfowl, published in Quebec by XYZ editions (in 2019) and published at the beginning of the year in France, by Stock, was selected for the Prix des libraires dans l’Hexagone. This committed story follows a solitary game warden from Kamouraska in his fight against poachers who loot the territory. Nine other titles are vying for the vote of French booksellers, including Porca Miseriaby Tonino Benacquista (Gallimard), and The patience of traces, by Jeanne Benameur (Actes Sud). The winner will be announced on May 18.
Laila Maalouf, The Press
Sonia Sarfati
A collection of short stories edited by Sonia Sarfati
The former journalist The Press Sonia Sarfati invited 14 authors from various backgrounds to “cross the wall” to imagine an encounter with one of their characters. Collective Face to facewhich has just been published by Druide, notably brings together short stories by Patrick Senécal, Nathalie Petrowski, Stanley Péan, Roxanne Bouchard and Patrice Godin, who thus explore the relationship between a creator and his creature within the framework of these impromptu face-to-face .
Laila Maalouf, The Press
The spring issue of the magazine Quebec letters (QL) will arrive this Tuesday in bookstores with a file dedicated to the writer and editor Yara El-Ghadban.
Quebec letters in bookshop
The spring issue of the magazine Quebec letters (QL) will arrive this Tuesday in bookstores with a file devoted to the writer and editor Yara El-Ghadban, directed by the editor-in-chief, Mélikah Abdelmoumen. Among many other subjects, a tribute to Marie-Claire Blais, who died in 2021, as well as the launch of a new rotating column, inaugurated by Chloé LaDuchesse, which gives voice to French-speaking authors outside Quebec. Gabrielle Boulianne-Tremblay is also the guest poet, while Marie-Ève Bourassa signs a new.
Laila Maalouf, The Press
A reissue of Life is of homage has just been published in Boréal compact.
A reissue for the centenary of Jack Kerouac
March 12 marked the centenary of the birth of Jack Kerouac. And to mark this anniversary, a reissue of Life is of homage has just been published in Boréal compact. The collection, which brings together texts by the writer written in French, gathered and presented by Professor Jean-Christophe Cloutier, was originally published in 2016, by Boréal.
Laila Maalouf, The Press
Animals, these inventors: when nature inspires our inventions, text of Christiane Dorion and illustrations by Gosia Herba, MultiMondes editions, from 7 years old.
Children’s author Christiane Dorion shines in London
How have snakes, sharks or kingfishers influenced human-made innovations? This can be found in Animals, these inventors: when nature inspires our inventions, a book on biomimicry written by Quebecer Christiane Dorion. This entertaining documentary recently won one of the UK’s coveted Blue Peter Literary Awards, presented on the BBC’s popular children’s program of the same name. “I was so happy. I cried out with joy, ”says the author who has lived in the suburbs of London for thirty years. This award is all the more important in his eyes as it is awarded by the children. The Quebec version of the book will be published on April 13 by MultiMondes editions.
Veronique Larocque, The Press
The CALQ Prize to Noémie Pomerleau-Cloutier
Noemie Pomerleau-Cloutier
It was Noémie Pomerleau-Cloutier who won the Prix du CALQ – Work of the next generation, for her collection of poetry The patience of the lichen, published in La Peuplade last year. The jury of peers from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec described it as “a magnificent invitation to meet the communities of the Lower North Shore through poetry, [qui] paints the portrait of a Quebec whose natural beauty and the values of its people seem to bring us back to the essentials of life”.
Laila Maalouf, The Press
The literary creation prizes of the City of Quebec and of the Salon du livre de Québec were presented at the House of Literature.
Literary creation prize of the City of Quebec: the winners announced
The City of Quebec, in collaboration with the Salon du livre de Québec, awarded the 2022 Literary Creation Prizes this week. This is the collection of short stories that look like a choral novel Prismacolor noh 325, by Lyne Richard, who stood out in the adult literature category. On the youth side, the documentary 15 women who made the history of Quebec, by historian Catherine Ferland and illustrator Constance Harvey, was crowned. Jonathan Livernois was rewarded in the essay category for Between two fires. Each of the winners received a $5,000 scholarship. In addition, the City of Quebec, Université Laval and the Bureau des affaires poétiques awarded the Jean-Noël-Pontbriand Poetry Prize to Maryse Poirier for her collection Beasts will now outlive us. This award also comes with a $5,000 scholarship.
Veronique Larocque, The Press